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I asked Mother what everyone was doing for Thanksgiving. She looked mildly amused as she informed me that the sisters would be doing the same as the general U.S. populace- gorging on turkey and lapsing into food comas.
"But wouldn't the sisters want to go home for Thanksgiving?" I innocently asked.
"They are home," was her gracious reply.
Well played, Mother E.
The kitchen sister, who is responsible for preparing an entire Thanksgiving feast for 13 nuns and assorted beasts of the field, was running in and out of the convent all day on forays to the local grocery stores.
One thing these women do not have a problem with is remembering to give thanks. I'm sure Thanksgiving Day at the convent will be full of small blue things, tiny moments of gratefulness piecing together to form a blanket of warmth and love.
The sisters normally take all of their meals in silence, but Thanksgiving Day offers a break in the routine. I believe the din may be deafening as the sisters dig in to a well-prayed over Tom and all of the trimmings.
I certainly give thanks for being a small part of these women's lives.
From a Small Blue Thing- a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Lovely photo that captures what I would imagine is a peaceful place.