That's me, third boat from the left. Picture credit: |
Ok, I'll come clean. I have exactly 0 friends who practice Mahayana Buddhism. Any Buddhist bloggers out there living within a 100 mile radius of Maryland, USA who want to invite me over for tonight's celebration, I can be ready at the drop of a hat. I'll bring booze, any amount, depending on your level of enlightenment.
Mahayanan Buddhists believe individuals have no intrinsic value, and that they only exist in relation to others. Fantastic concept- it greatly supercedes the Christian notion of treating others as if they were your sisters or brothers. For Buddhists, other people actually ARE you, in a sense.
Don't just do unto others as you would have them do unto you, do well unto others because they make you you.
The Mahayan New Year always falls on the first full moon in January, which happens to be tonight.
Different cultures celebrate in different ways, but almost all include visits to temples to light candles, prayers to Lord Buddha, and of course, fireworks.
Apparently, in Tibet there's a highly competitive yak butter sculpting competition. Don't want to be late for that one.
Children may also wash the feet of their parents. Give me six more days of this tradition and I'll be Buddhist for life. Er, lives.
Any of my blogger friends ever celebrate this holiday? Would love to hear more about it!
Do you think I could get yak butter at the local organic food store?