Saturday, January 26, 2013

Robins in Winter

Today LB and I spent a half hour staring out the window at a flock of robins that had taken over our front yard.

This is not the Robin to whom I refer

Not much talking, just an occasional comment or two about a fat bird here, a cocky bird there.

Best half hour of my day so far.

Here's a poem for Saturday from Jessica Powers. I like that she finds heaven within instead of without. I'm not much of a "Paradise in the sky with streets of gold" kinda gal.

I was reminded of the poem while I was attempting to do a few Sun Salutations this morning. As my body creaked through the poses I tried to imagine the "shining overflowing" from deep within. Still couldn't reach my toes, but at least I got through without taking my back out again.

Now that you have that pleasant image in your heads...

The saints and mystics
had a name
for that deep
inwardness of flame,
the height or depth
or ground or goal
Which is God's dwelling
in the soul.

Not capax Dei*
do you say;
scintilla animae
nor synderis-
all are fair-
but heaven,
because God is there.

All day and when
you wake at night
think of that place
of living light,
yours and within you
and aglow
where only God
and you can go.

None can assail you
in that place
save your own evil,
routing grace.
Not even angels
see or hear
nor the dark spirits
prowling near.

But there are days
when watching eyes
could guess that you
hold Paradise.
Sometimes the shining
and everyone
around you knows.

*capax Dei-  capacity for God
scintilla animae- spark of the soul
synderis- disposition to do good


  1. A beautiful poem about that true place within us. I loved it. And I'm so glad you enjoy my blog. I surprise myself that I find stuff to write about, living in the country and seldom going anywhere or doing anything special. Like you and the robins, I guess.

  2. Holywildbirds Robin!
    What's that's batman?

  3. ahhhh...robin williams. i feel like we don't see him enough at all anymore.

    1. Here's the latest Robin Williams sighting I know of- he was on Jimmy Kimmel live when Matt Damon took over the show.


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