The slushy, snowy remnants of what I pray is winter's last gasp are melting rapidly under the early spring sun, leaving rivulets of water and muddy earth behind.

The meteorologists say this is a good thing, as the snow will slowly seep into the ground, a perfect antidote for the drought our area has been experiencing over the last few months.
Carryll Houselander (I've been on a real Houselander bender these past few months) writes of water as selfless and poor, the most perfect example of a small, blue thing.
"Water is of all things the most selfless, yet without it nothing has life. It irrigates the earth, it gives the spring its tender greenness, it is the life of the flowers and their loveliness, it quenches thirst, it purifies all that it touches. It is the perfection of poverty, it has nothing of its own, it has no shape or color or taste or radiance; yet it gives unceasingly to all living things and all beauty is perceived in it. In it we see the blue sky and the green leaves and the passing clouds; in it we look with naked eyes upon the moon and the stars and the sun."
Perhaps the soul does not reside in the brain or the heart, but in water; after all, water comprises 65% of the human body.
Perfect excuse not to exercise- wouldn't want to sweat any of my soul away.